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"Think Like an Athlete, Don't Act Like One"
Prepare, Peak, Recover
"Think Like an Athlete, Don't Act Like One" reveals the mental secrets of the world's top athletes. It offers 75 lessons from elite sports, for both young and old: to help you prepare optimally, perform when it matters and recover when you've earned it. Learn from Michael Jordan’s shoe, Boris Becker’s tongue, and Michael Phelps’ goggles. Draw inspiration from a smiling Roger Federer, and discover what countless sports psychologists and scientists have learned about elite sports. Sometimes, pouring yogurt over your head is what you need to succeed, and a winning ship doesn’t need just one, but four captains. This book is handy for your first job, a tough exam, when you need to lead but don’t know how, or just want to benefit from lessons from elite sports. Each lesson has been multi-tested by the author in practice and can be applied both inside and outside the sports arena.
“This book is a key to excelling in sports and life. Joost reveals the essence of mental resilience, crucial for us all and particularly for the talents and elite athletes of our TeamNL center.” — Nienke Nijenhuis, Director of Sports, BrabantSport, home of TeamNL
“Super fun, innovative, and enlightening. An interesting insight into the (mental) world of elite sports! A must-read!” — Ireen Wüst, Most successful Dutch Olympian in speed skating
“Mental strength sets champions apart. Joost’s book, rich in insightful examples, is invaluable for coaches aiming to enhance this quality in athletes.” — Hugo Haak, Two-time coach of the year NOC*NSF
“A highly practical book on resilience and toughness - crucial for me. That is something that engaged me every day, and still does!” — Ranomi Kromowidjojo, Triple Olympic swimming champion
ISBN: 9789063697198
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